continental breakfast

[ˌkɔntəˈnentl ˈbrekfəst]
  • 释义
  • 欧式早餐;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    For continental breakfast, you can have bacon and egg, buttered toast and a large coke.

    如果吃欧洲大陆式早餐, 你可以吃到火腿蛋, 黄油烤面包和一大杯可口可乐.

  • 2、

    For continental breakfast, you can give bacon and egg, buttered toast, and a large Coke.

    欧洲大陆式早餐包括火腿蛋, 黄油烤面包及一大杯可口可乐.

  • 3、

    Good morning , a continental breakfast, please.

    早安, 请给我一份大陆早餐.

  • 4、

    Sir, youd like to have Continental Breakfast with tomato juice and black coffee for one person.

    先生, 您要的是一份欧式早餐,带番茄汁和黑咖啡.

  • 5、

    What kind of breakfast does you like, American breakfast or Continental breakfast?

    您想要哪种早餐, 美式早餐还是大陆式早餐?

  • 6、

    Would you like to have something more beside the continental breakfast, sir?

    先生,除了年夜陆式早餐, 您还要别的 吗 ?

  • 7、

    Yes. I'll have a continental breakfast.


  • 8、

    That includes a continental breakfast and a morning news parer.


  • 9、

    L : This is room 501. Can you bring up a continental breakfast?

    这里是501号房, 能不能送我一客欧式早餐上来?

  • 10、

    Would you like a American Breakfast or a Continental Breakfast?


  • 11、

    A typical European continental breakfast is an additional $ 6.90 euros.


  • 12、

    Would you like to have a continental breakfast or an American style breakfast?

    你想要吃欧陆早餐还是美式早餐 呢 ?

  • 13、

    We have Continental breakfast and full English breakfast.


  • 14、

    A : Yes. that includes a continental breakfast and a morning newspaper.


  • 15、

    With the continental breakfast, there is an extra charge for a large juice.

    如果要大陆式早餐, 大杯果汁要另外收费.

  • 16、

    American breakfast or Continental breakfast?


  • 17、

    Would you like a continental breakfast?


  • 18、

    A continental Breakfast with grapefruit juice, light toast with weak tea to follow.

    一份欧陆式早餐,西柚汁, 稍烤一下的吐司外加淡茶.

  • 19、

    The price includes bed and continental breakfast.


  • 20、

    Yes , I'd like a Continental Breakfast.


  • 21、

    Nancy: That hotel has a free continental breakfast.


  • 22、

    Yes, our continental breakfast runs from 6 am to 10 am.

